Digital advertisements, email newsletter design, and custom icons for the East Coast Game Conference (ECGC) – Hypothetical project

Sole Designer​​​​​​​
The East Coast Game Conference is the “The Largest Conference for Game Developers on the East Coast” ( Each year, this event in Raleigh, NC attracts hundreds of game developers and game development students with its tech showcases, guest speakers, and career-building opportunities. 

The target audience of these ads was 18-30 year olds pursuing a career in the game design industry. To align with their goals, the messaging of the ads focuses on professional development and education.
Present graphics that would help increase attendance at the 2022 event.
Incorporate ECGC’s existing display font and logo in the design and maintain consistency across all deliverables.

Note on logo usage
This assignment was a collaboration between ECGC and Wake Technical Community College where I was a student. ECGC granted students permission to use their logo and display font in our designs.
Design Choices
The visuals used take the viewer to an 8-bit version of Raleigh, inspired by the old-school video games the attendees know and love. 

The icons, such as the hearts, coins, progress bar, and play button are immediately associated with video games, catching the target audience’s attention. 

For this project, I researched three competitors and their visual executions, finding ways to deviate from the crowd’s use of neon and black color schemes, dynamic photography, and sleek, white graphics.
For the project, I produced nine unique icons, taking a step beyond the requirements of the assignment (to design two digital ads and an email newsletter).
The building icons are based on two of the biggest buildings on the Raleigh skyline: the PNC and BB&T towers. 
A successful “A” graded project and an enhanced skillset in Adobe Illustrator

An eye-catching and nostalgic set of digital assets and marketing materials

I learned to define a target audience, study competitors, and perform visual research in order to reach a successful design solution. 

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